History of Steam


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Steam Technology Outlook

       The enterprise should depend on energy saving to survive. In all steam application industries, energy saving is throughout its whole process.. Hence, energy saving will be the outlook of steam technology development.

       Since the first industrial revolution, steam always goes with people's production and life. However, with energy lacking and price rising, costs on steam generation, transmission, using and recovery rise, which has a serious influence on survival ability and international competitiveness of the enterprise. Nowadays, our country is increasingly demanding on safety, energy saving and environmental protection year by year. It becomes a priority in development of the enterprise how to realize energy saving in all processes of the steam system.

       In the steam generation process, energy saving focuses on using its own long-term and stable hot trap (absorption of heat) resources to absorb low temperature exhaust heat of the enterprise to the greatest extent, reduce fuel consumption and increase steam produced in per fuel. By this way, it reduces self-consuming steam of the boiler and improves steam production efficiency of the boiler.

       In the steam transmission process, energy saving focuses on reducing leak and ensuring quality (pressure and temperature). Especially, maintaining steam quality not to be reduced is actually to reduce the user's demand on steam.

       In the steam using process, energy saving focuses on carefully studying difference between designed energy consumption and the actual energy consumption of heat-exchange equipment and finding out reasons for excessive energy consumption. Air exhaust and proper selection of steam trap can determine that all heat-exchange equipment will not leak steam but drain off water timely and meanwhile avoid increase of steam consumption due to reduction of steam quality.

       In the steam recovery process, energy saving focuses on adopting the overall optimization design of condensation water pipe network and "dispersing, frontier, pressuring and recovery technology". Pressuring is conducted to transmit condensation water, which can guarantee not only normal working of the upstream heat exchanger of the steam trap but efficient running of condensation water pipe network.

       It is convinced that steam technology can make great breakthrough in terms of energy saving. Looking to the future, steam is the common secondary energy of the enterprise and steam system is the important foundation to ensure normal operating of the enterprise. The steam system can realize such auxiliary functions as heat exchange, heat tracing, mechanical drive, mixed steam of the process and heating and purging as required by the enterprise. In fact, it is the largest heat flow exchange platform in the enterprise so implementation of energy saving and guaranteeing of efficient running of steam system is significant enhance the enterprise's market competitiveness.

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